About Project

Interactive E-platform for schools

Specific learning disabilities solutions

Solution4SLD is an innovative strategic partnership project aiming to adapt the education system for children with specific learning disabilities. The project has developed a theoretical guide and an e-learning platform providing digital educational content for teachers and interactive tasks for children with specific learning disabilities.

Specific learning disabilities

Approximate prevalance of learning disabilities

0 %

of population struggle with a learning disability

0 %

of population have an impairment in reading

0 %

of population experience difficulty in writing

Solution4SLD project​

The Solution4SLD project is carried out in Lithuania, Malta and Bulgaria.

In all project partners’ countries, the problem is that not all children with specific learning disabilities are fully included in mainstream education. After an interview based survey through of associate partners, it turned out that most teachers do not have enough information about specific learning disabilities, their learning difficulties, and effective learning methods and techniques. There is a lack of reliable methodologies and knowledge of how educators can educate a child with these disabilities.

Solution4SLD’s aim is to develop a new e-learning platform with  created digital educational content for teachers and interactive tasks for children with specific learning disabilities. Also during the project  a handbook for teachers and a manual on how to use the platform shall be created. The project target group is primary and secondary school students from 1-6 classes with specific learning disabilities, teachers who teach these children, and other pedagogical staff.

Qualitative results of the Solution4SLD project – created two intellectual outputs:

1) The digital handbook for teachers who teach children with specific reading and writing disabilities. The project developed a theoretical-methodological guide based on specific learning disabilities for teachers was developed. This guide is to acquaint teachers with children with specific learning disabilities, to learn to recognize students with these disabilities and to help them know how to provide them with necessary learning support.

2) E-learning platform for teachers and pupils: 72 templates and worksheets were created with 18 interactive tasks integrated. During the exercises cognitive, language, and reading skills are developed. These worksheets and templates are intended for children who have learning difficulties, especially for those who have specific learning disabilities.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project no. 2021-1-LT01-KA220-SCH-000029399.


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See tasks for the different developmental areas

Tasks can be viewed and downloaded