

Learning peculiarities center Labirintas, Lithuania

The Labyrinth is a center of learning peculiarities that helps children and their parents to meet learning difficulties and challenges, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia, which, if left to their own devices, cause problems for students at the academic, emotional, behavioral, self-esteem and social status levels. The center creates and integrates complex research-based training and measure for every child with specific learning disabilities that he or she would not have long-term learning and psychological consequences. One of Labyrinth goals is to spread the awareness about Dyslexia and other specific learning disabilities. The Labyrinth believe in a society where every child can seek higher education, career and have full-fledged life!ies

Innovation Network, Lithuania​

Public enterprise Innovation Network is a non-governmental organization promoting, supporting, and developing social, cultural, and educational activities and projects and organizing related events (workshops, discussions, meetings).The organization implements initiatives linking education and business in order to support innovations. Innovation Network continuously cooperates with business enterprises that implement innovations, develop innovative education systems, and share their experience. Also, actively collaborates with local government organizations (education centers, education institutions, the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation Agency), municipalities, and business associations. Provides information and advice to educational organizations in Lithuania and abroad on the development of projects for innovation, intellectual property development, and content and develops programs for teacher qualification development.

AcrossLimits, Malta​

AcrossLimits is a Maltese SME with a long story of successes both on the national and the European stages with participation in over 80 EU funded projects over its 22 years of existence. Over the years, the company have built up a vast skill set within the Education, Health, Entrepreneurship, Digital Platforms and Dissemination sectors. Its core business is centred around the areas of IT-based solutions for business and social purposes. The mission statement of the company is: “Innovation for solving tomorrow’s challenges”. AL have a great interest in eLearning and took part in various EU projects and training courses that incorporated or were based on eLearning. AcrossLimits developed several such platforms for different target audiences ranging from educators to students, business-people, professionals, artists, disadvantaged people and more. We also offer training, sustainability consultancy, project management, dissemination, project proposal writing support and assistance on taking research results to market.

Institute for Youth Initiatives and Innovations, Bulgaria​

The Institute for Youth Initiatives and Innovations (IYII) is a non-profit organization, established as a juridical person in 2014. The Institute carries out youth initiatives aimed at implementing good practices in all spheres of public life and activities in the field of youth employment, non-formal education, digitalization and innovation, sports and culture, environmental and historical protection. The institute works to solve the problems of children and young people, the protection of their human rights and social interests. Efforts are aimed at supporting the personal expression of young people, their future social and professional development. The Institute has a team with significant practical knowledge of the problems of school and university education, social integration, specific learning disabilities of children and issues related to young people employment skills.

See tasks for the different developmental areas

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